Suffolk County Council offered its support to parish councils for a locally driven, centrally funded scheme designating certain roads as Quiet Lanes. These types of lanes do not impose any traffic restrictions but seek to inform road users of the presence of walkers, cyclists, horse riders etc and to show more respect for vulnerable road users. Nearly 400 lanes within Suffolk have been put forward for designation, with the aim of creating a network of Quiet Lanes across the County.

The main purposes of Quiet Lanes are that they offer a safer environment for non-motorised travellers and can help to protect our rural environment. They are not intended to be used as a traffic calming measure but seek to improve road safety and encourage walking and cycling, bringing benefits to well-being.  Advisory signs are placed at either end of Quiet Lanes to show motorised users clearly that the road is a shared space.

The three nominated lanes in Ousden and Wickhambrook have been approved by Suffolk County Council and Quiet Lanes signs installed at each end to remind road users that they are are on a quiet lane.    

For more information read about Quiet Lanes.